As the audition process plays out, it is clear that there are many singers out there who want a part of that. Either as an addition to their chamber outfits, or as an exciting group that intends to fulfil both the intimacy of a smaller choir, with the ability to sing the big works of a large choral society. Every voice will count, everyone will be able to trust and rely on their fellow singers to pull their weight and contribute fully to the end product.
Of course we are still looking for more men - the sad fact that fewer men than women sing regularly is the same the world over. But the high standard of all those we already have bodes very well.....and it has been a huge joy to meet so many new faces. Fun, stimulating and progressive rehearsals begin in September. Don’t just sit there, help make history and check out how you can get involved in the first new choral society in the area for over fifty years. I cannot wait to give that first down-beat! For more information about joining us and online audition booking, click here.
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